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253 دم
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Découvrez le Masque Absorbant Érayba ZenActive Balance (Z10b), formulé avec expertise pour les cheveux gras. Ce traitement de qualité professionnelle régule efficacement les sécrétions sébacées, absorbant l'excès de sébum du cuir chevelu. Son emballage élégant et minimaliste reflète un engagement envers la qualité et la tranquillité, en faisant un choix idéal tant pour les professionnels des salons que pour les utilisateurs à domicile cherchant l'équilibre dans leur routine de soins capillaires.

Introducing the Masque Absorbant Erayba ZenActive Balance Z10b, a revolutionary solution designed specifically for those struggling with oily hair. This exceptional hair mask not only addresses excess oil but also promotes a sense of balance and tranquility, making it an essential addition to your hair care routine.

The packaging of this product is as appealing as its contents. Housed in a sleek, modern box with rounded corners and a matte finish, it features smooth stacked stones on the front—symbolizing harmony and calmness. The bold sans-serif font used for the product name "ZenActive" enhances its professional appearance while inviting you to experience its soothing benefits.

This absorbing mask comes in a small tube that is both functional and stylish. With its pointed nozzle, precise application becomes effortless, allowing you to target areas that need attention most effectively. The dual-language packaging ensures accessibility for a wider audience, catering to both English and Spanish speakers.

The Masque Absorbant Erayba ZenActive Balance Z10b is formulated to regulate sebaceous secretions while absorbing excess oil from your scalp. Ideal for use in professional salon settings or at home, this treatment provides an unparalleled spa-like experience right at your fingertips.

If you're looking to manage oily hair effectively while enjoying the calming effects of nature-inspired elements, look no further than this remarkable product. Experience balance like never before with Erayba's innovative approach to hair care—your journey towards healthier hair starts here!

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اطلب عبر الإنترنت واستلم مشترياتك أينما كنت، من الشمال إلى الجنوب. 

الدفع عند التسليم 

اطلب براحة بال، وادفع فقط عند الاستلام. 

سياسة الإرجاع والتبديل

غير راضٍ عن مشترياتك؟ لا داعي للقلق! استفد من سياسة الإرجاع والتبديل السهلة للتسوق بثقة. 

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هل لديك سؤال أو استفسار؟ فريقنا هنا لمساعدتك في كل خطوة. اتصل بنا عبر زر واتساب، نحن في خدمتك

أكد طلبك الآن بإضافة معلومات الاتصال الخاصة بك.

المجموع الفرعي 253 دم
الشحن مجاناً!
الإجمالي  253 دم